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Normas publicación artículos técnicos Dental Cadmos

Purpose of the magazine and general principles

Dental Cadmos is a monthly professional update and continuous training for the dentist.
The magazine publishes original clinical and research works, case reports, literature reviews and columns.
All manuscripts must be accompanied by a Journal Publishing Agreement (Journal Publishing
Agreement) properly completed and signed(the forms are provided by the editorial staff).
If the manuscript will be accepted for publication, the authors will have to ensure that the work will not be published elsewhere in no other language without the permission of the holdercopyright.Manuscripts reporting research resultsconduct on people must include, in thesection “Materials and methods”, a declaration that the study protocol was approved by the Committee Ethical reference, which the study was carried out inagreement with the ethical standards established in the Declarationof Helsinki of 1964 and that informed consent was obtained by all participants prior to their enrollment in the studio.
Decisions concerning the publication of manuscripts are based on a processpeer-review and the acceptance of the articles will bebased on criteria of originality, relevance and content scientific contributions. Authors may be requiredto modify the text based on the comments of reviewers. The statements reported in the manuscripts are under the responsibility of the author and not the publisher.
The views expressed in the articles are those of the authors and may not reflect the publisher's position. Each author must complete and sign a form for the Declaration of Conflict of Interest, whichspecify all economic, personal or professional tiesthat could create a conflict ofinterest (the forms are provided by the editors).

Presentation of the article
Original works must not exceed 10 pages ofmagazine (about 45,000 characters), including summary,images and bibliography. Surpluses are tolerated that do not exceed 10% of the indicated values.

Cover letter
For publication purposes, the authors must subscribe and sign a cover letter in which the following information is specified, reportedin a declaration signed by the author of reference:
• The manuscript has not been published nor is it the subject exam for publication in another journal; the authorhas obtained written permission for reproduction of images figures or algorithms protected by copyright according to the regulations in force oncopyright; in the event that the article is published, the copyright concerning your article will be transferred to the Publisher.
• There are/do not exist conflicts of interest of ordereconomic or other on the article presented.
• The manuscript has been read and approved by all co-authors.
• In the case of an original article, approval is available formal, by the local Ethics Committee,of the research proposed for publication.

Preparation of the manuscript
1) In the first sheet of the manuscript they must be indicated:
• Title of the work in Italian and English (lengthmaximum 100 characters);
• Name of the authors: full name and surname ofeach author.
• Affiliation of each author: name of the institution where the work was carried out or for the free professionals the city in which they practice.
• Address of the author of reference for the reviewdraft, complete with the e-mail address to which they will besent the PDFs of the drafts, telephone number, fax and postal address.
2) In the second sheet of the manuscript they must bereported:
•Summary in Italian and English (about 3,500 characters oflength for each language version, including spaces) both structured in: Objectives, Materials and methods, Results and Conclusions, Clinical implications.
• Keywords: 5 keywords in Italian and English.
3) In the following sheets the manuscript must bedeveloped as follows.
• Introduction: will contain a brief description of theaims and objectives of the proposed research.
• Materials and methods: will describe in detail the materials and methodologies used will explain all ethical aspects (see section Purposeof the magazine and general principles).
• The trade names of products and devices go exclusively indicated in the Materials and Methods sections summary and work.
• Results: they will report clearly and exhaustively exhaustive search results.
• Discussion: will analyze the results obtained and theirs clinical implication.
• Conclusions: they will report the significance of the results and the authors' final remarks.
• Clinical implications: in this section you will have toinsert the "clinical significance" of the work.
• Conflict of interest: indicate in this section if whether or not there are any conflicts of interest economic or other on the article presented.
• Study Funding: Authors are required to enter in the manuscript, after the "Conclusions" or "Thanks", the indication that the study presentedwas it supported or not by funding sources.
• Bibliography: bibliographic entries (max 20 entries for I original works; max 40 entries for the reviews of theliterature) should be presented in order chronological with respect to their quotation inside of the text and drawn up according to international standards of Vancouver which provide:
1) For each bibliographic entry citation up to a maximum of 6 authors, if in a higher number, mention the first 6 followed byet al.
2) The use of international abbreviations for citation of magazines, without punctuation.
Here are some examples:
• Works published in journals: Chung CH, FriedmanDS, Mante FK. Shear bond strength of rebondedmechanically retentive ceramic brackets. Am JOrthod Dentofacial Orthop 2002; 122: 282-7.
• Books: Graber M, Vanarsdall RL, Vig KWL. Orthodontics:current principles and techniques.St.Louis: Elsevier, 2005.
• Book Chapters: Armitage GC. Diagnosis and classificationof periodontal diseases. In: Rose LF, MealeyBL, Genco Rj, Cohen DW (eds). Periodontics:Medicine, Surgery and Implants. St. Louis: ElsevierMosby, 2004: pp. 19-31.

Each table must be presented at the end of the manuscript in Word file format. Tables will have to be classified and referenced in the manuscript withRoman numerals and accompanied by a short caption.Notes or legends must be placed on the footof the tables, never in the caption.

Only figures provided in electronic format are accepted.The images must be acquired with resolution resolutionminimum of 300 dpi and saved inJPEG (images inEPS as long as scanned in the minimum resolution of 600dpi). For strokes (flow-charts or drawings) the TIFF format, scanned in the minimum resolution of600 dpi; however, the format is also acceptedJPEG in the minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Drawings orimages must have a base of at least 10-12cm and must be presented in definitive formfor publication.

NOTE: Images must be submitted separatelyand do not insert within the text in Word; they must not contain commercial names or bibliographic entries.

Captions: Captions must be provided in the Word fileat the end of the manuscript text.

Acceptance of submitted works
Submissions are accepted for publicationon the basis of scientific interest and relevance for Dental Cadmos, at the sole discretion of the DirectorScientific, which will make use of the evaluation written blindly by at least two anonymous reviewers.

Proofreading is done by the author for aspects of content and of the Publisher for the technical part. The reference author, indicated in the manuscript, will be givenThe first paginated draft was sent for correction.This must be returned corrected to the editorial staff by e-mail by the date that will be indicated in the letter ofsending drafts. After this deadline, the correction will be made ex officio and / or upon postponement of the publication, in operation defined editorial planning prioritiesby the Scientific Director. No submissions or requests will be accepted of sending to other or more authors other than the reference one indicated in the article. In the correction of drafts should be avoided interventions that can modify the graphic layout already defined or modifications of content that would involve a new processpeer-review.
The manuscripts must be sent to the office editorial exclusively through the system www.editorialmanager.com/dentalcadmoselectronic editorial by Dental Cadmos available at the site:
EDRA SpA Via Spadolini 7 - 20141 Milan - Italy
E-mail address of the Dental Cadmos editorial team:

Otros artículos

La presidenta del colegio solicita que se amplíe la cobertura dental en el sistema público.

Fecha y lugar de celebración: 11 de enero a las 10:00h. Online.

Organizador: Consejo General de Dentistas.

Continuando con el ciclo de webinars gratuitos para colegiados, organizado por el Consejo General de Dentistas y la Fundación Dental Española, el próximo mes de enero tendrá lugar la segunda parte del webinar titulado “Gestión eficiente de clínicas dentales. El know how de una clínica de alto rendimiento. Sesión II", impartido por la Dra. Laura San Martín

*Si tenéis alguna duda al respecto del proceso de inscripción o del desarrollo del curso, podéis poneros en contacto con el departamento de Formación del Consejo General de Dentistas por teléfono en el 914264413 o por mail a la siguiente dirección: agarcia@consejodentistas.es



Calendario / eventos

